Goals and objectives
The main purpose of the organization – people with disabilities to reduce social exclusion and to achieve integration of the disabled into society.
- to advocate the rights, freedoms and interests of persons with disabilities;
- to implement various preventative programs aimed at disability prevention;
- to provide proposals to state authorities when considering and adopting new legislation, amending and supplementing existing legislation relating to various aspects of the lives of people with disabilities, as well as in relation to the implementation of social inclusion programs and projects aimed at addressing the social needs of people with disabilities;
- to organize and provide social rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, their family members, carers, the elderly and people living on their own who have disabilities;
- to organize camps for people who have recently become disabled due to spinal cord injury, brain injury or other illnesses;
- to organize various seminars and conferences on topical issues for persons with disabilities;
- to promote persons with disabilities artistic expression, recreation through cultural events and projects;
- to encourage responsible authorities and society to help solve problems and emerging issues relating to persons with disabilities;
- to disseminate information about the organization’s activities, projects and their results.
The Lithuanian Association of Persons with Disabilities in implementing its aims and objectives actively co-operates with State institutions, local and national government, non-governmental and international organizations, the mass media, as well as local communities and international funding agencies.